Below we have collected some of the most commonly asked questions we have received.
Of course, if you can’t find your question, or the answer, there are several ways to get in touch with us – either simply by emailing, filling out our online contact form, or on one of our many social media platforms.
We look forward to hearing from you.

DAM Questions

How many music channels do I have access to with my DAM receiver?

Currently we have over 15 different type of music channels and we are constantly updating and creating new ones. To see and listen to our current samples please check out our Demo page.

How do I switch between music channels?

Switching between channels happens centrally by request and will take effect quickly. Also preset switching between channels can be programmed.

What equipment do I need to have prior to my DAM receiver being installed?

First and foremost a cable Ethernet connection is needed. Additionally, your business should have a built in speaker system, as the DAM player already comes with an amplifier. However if your business has no speakers installed – we are able to provide you with a professional music system For more information please read more about the professional equipment we can provide you.

What happens if my internet connection is interrupted?

Not to worry! The player will continue playing because a majority of the content is also stored locally, right on your DAM player – leaving your music uninterrupted.

Directly Acquired Music means there really are no royalty fees to be paid?

Royalty Fees are paid, however they are already included in your agreed fee with CloudCasting. You have no additional Rights Fees to pay to the Rights organizations.

iFace Digital Mirror Questions

How can I buy an iFace Digital Mirror?

Please contact us at

What do I need prior to installing an iFace Digital Mirror?

You need electricity and an internet/broadband connection.

Is there a ‘no obligation’ time frame for my iFace Digital Mirror?

For businesses a one year minimum contract period is required.

Can I order an iFace Digital Mirror in any shape and size?

iFace Digital Mirror is available in custom sizes. Additionally the size and number of screens behind the mirror are also customize-able. Please get in touch with us for further information.

Do I have to allow advertising on my iFaces?

No, of course not. However if your business decides to allow advertisers you will share in the revenue generated.

Do I get any say in the advertisers that will be displayed on my iFace Digital Mirror?

Yes, of course. Only products and services of pre-approved brands and businesses will be shown on your screen(s).

Creative Questions

Does CloudCasting have to create my content? What if I would like to provide my own?

No your content does not need to come from CloudCasting. You can provide your own content or use a combination of your own and CloudCasting’s content, it’s your choice.

Do I get to give any input in the content that is created for my screens/ iFace Digital Mirror?

Most definitely! All content played on your screen(s) are subject to your full approval prior to playing them.

How often can I change my content?

How often your content changes is up to you and your needs. A monthly content management fee will be agreed on in advance and can include anything from daily updates to once a month. If you realize you need more updates then what was initially agreed on, we can of course create the update for an additional fee. There are no limits to how often we update your players. For more details please get in touch.

I have several different departments in my shops. Do all the screens have to play the same content and at the same time?

No. Each screen is an independent unit. They can all play the same content at the same time or different content at the same time, or any other variation that may be required, even if they are in the same building, the same floor, or the same room.